Saturday, June 18, 2011

Factions of SCBW Version: VICERATORS

Vicerators are once members of the Nar'Khalani -- a group of individuals kept under control by the Conclave for their inability to control or wield their immense raw psionic powers.

Influenced by the Warped Voice despite their lack of knowledge regarding its existence, the Vicerators are unwilling pawns and time-bombs ready to be triggered when the time is ripe for them to fulfill their purpose.

Khaludar would eventually face the unleashed form of the Vicerators later into the SC2 version of the campaign.

During one of the Acts of Survivors (SC:BW version), the Vicerators were promised by the Voice to protect the Khalai Executor's tribesmen while he would venture into the heavily infested Scion Province in search for the Shards.

True to his word, the Vicerators joined the Khalai Executor's forces during the final Act, while Teradun attempts to force his way through the main bulk of the Swarm.

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